Infrared Rays

Infrared rays, the invisible rays of natural sunshine, have literally hundreds of uses, most of which you've never heard of, and some of which will blow your mind!

While you've definitely heard of infrared saunas, infrared cameras, and infrared heating pads, you might be surprised at how many ways we utilize or are exposed to infrared rays on a daily basis.

It may appear unusual, yet the majority of the light surrounding you is unseen. Although your eye is a remarkable piece of engineering, it can only perceive light at specific wavelengths and is blind to much more light. Light is a type of energy that travels in waves, which we can map on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Infrared rays are electromagnetic energy that has longer wavelengths than visible light and so is invisible. It has wavelengths ranging from red light to violet light.

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Here are some amazing facts.

  1. Infrared radiation accounts for over half of the energy coming on Earth from the Sun.
  2. Even an ice cube emits infrared light because it contains heat.
  3. Infrared light can penetrate heavy smoke, dust, fog, skin, and even some materials.
  4. Infrared cameras are used in firefighting to find humans or animals in hot zones and to detect hot patches in forest fires.
  5. Because the human skin can'see' infrared light, it is excellent for anti-aging.
  6. When the thermostat is set to 23 degrees in the winter, we feel at ease wearing a sweater. When the thermostat is adjusted to 23 degrees, we feel comfortable in t-shirts in the summer. This is because, even while the air temperature remains constant, the walls, ceiling, and so on emit Far Infrared rays from the outside sunshine during the summer, causing our bodies to be warmer.
  7. Couples who sleep together operate as Far Infrared ray transmitters and receivers to each other. Don't worry, your pets can help you with this as well!
  8. Infrared light is used by snakes and fish to hunt prey and protect themselves.
  9. The early ovens were infrared ovens, but they dried out the food too rapidly and were thus replaced with the contemporary style of oven.
  10. Weather satellites equipped with scanning radiometers provide thermal or infrared pictures, which may subsequently be used by a qualified analyst to compute land and surface water temperatures and find ocean surface features.