Facts about solar system


The Alpha Centauri star system is the nearest to our Solar System. It's only 4.3 light-years distant and has two stars and one exoplanet. Many additional exoplanets are thought to exist in this system, although their existence has yet to be proven.


Proxima Centauri b, the closest exoplanet to us, orbits within the habitable zone of its parent star.


The Alpha Centauri system was prominently shown in several ancient Egyptian temples. They, of course, were unaware of the presence of an exoplanet, but their temples were designed to point to the star's position.


In the early 1990s, the first exoplanets were identified. Since then, the number of found exoplanets has more than doubled every 27 months.


Our Milky Way galaxy has at least 250 to 500 billion stars; no one knows how many exoplanets are genuinely present.


There are about 700 verified multi-planetary systems or stars with at least two planets.


The Kepler-90 planetary system, like our Solar System, has eight planets.


TRAPPIST-1 is another massive planetary system with seven planets.


Luyten's Star is the closest planetary system to our Solar System that includes more than one planet. It is only 12.20 light-years distant from us and home to four verified exoplanets.


Scientists believe that inside our Milky Way galaxy alone, there are at least six billion planets identical to our Earth. Some believe there are more than ten billion.

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