What is a nebula?

What is a nebula?

A nebula is a gas and dust cloud in space. Some nebulae (multiple nebulae) are places where new stars are forming, whilst others are the remnants of dead or dying stars. Nebulae exist in a variety of forms and sizes. Planetary nebulae, reflection nebulae, emission nebulae, and absorption nebulae are the four basic forms of nebulae. The term nebula is derived from the Latin word meaning cloud.

What is a planetary nebula?

When a star runs out of fuel to burn, it blows off its outer layers, forming a planetary nebula. These outer layers of gas extend into space, generating a nebula that resembles a ring or bubble. William Herschel named these spherical clouds planetary nebulae over 200 years ago because they were circular like the planets. The blazing, left-over core portion of the star from which it formed is generally seen in the center of a planetary nebula.

Read More — Planetary Nebulas Info

What is a reflection nebula?

A reflection nebula is a cloud of gas and dust that illuminates by reflecting light from neighboring stars rather than producing its own. The brightest reflection nebulae are where new stars are born. The gas and dust are dense here, and the light of fresh, brilliant stars shines through them. Sometimes the gas is so dense that the nascent stars are invisible.

What are the glowing clouds in space?

The shimmering clouds seen in space photos are known as emission nebulas. A heated, blazing cloud of gas and dust in space is known as an emission nebula. These nebulas absorb neighboring starlight and achieve extremely high temperatures. They shine due to the high temperature. Emission nebulas are frequently discovered in areas of space where new stars are developing.

What are the dark clouds in space?

Absorption nebulas or dark nebulas are dark clouds in space. An absorption nebula is a cloud of gas and dust that prevents light from reaching the areas of space behind it. Light from space is absorbed by an absorption nebula and does not pass through. Light is not produced by absorption nebulas. An absorption nebula is difficult to find unless it is silhouetted against a significantly brighter region of space.